Over the next few pages you’ll get a more in-depth insight into the world of a wedding photographer, detailing everything you need to get to grips with before starting up in the business. You’ll discover the best tips and tricks to ensure that you don’t miss a moment on the big day, learn how to work with your surroundings, utilise the light, and how to create an efficient method of processing your images at the end, ready for the big reveal to the happy couple.

Ahead of the big day, there’s a fair amount of preparation to be undertaken in order to make sure that everything runs smoothly. This all really starts from the point of first contact with a perspective client. Typically, the first question a couple will ask you is: “Are you available on our wedding day?

This enquiry could come via a multitude of formats – email, a phone call or face to face at a wedding fair – so it’s important you have a reliable calendar system in place that you can access at all times, so you can provide an answer and get the conversation moving forward. A physical diary is fine if you’re happy to lug it around with you, though arguably a more efficient option is to use something like iCal, which can sync to both your smartphone and computer so that it can be accessed anywhere and at any time.
