So, the date is free in your calendar – what’s next? Well, arranging a meeting with the couple is always a good idea. Not only will this give you a chance to get to know one another, but it’ll also enable you to answer any questions they have and provide them with some more information about your work style and packages.
If the couple is based further afield or they are unable to make time for a face-toface consultation, then why not try using a video calling service instead, such as Skype or FaceTime? Failing all of that, a good oldfashioned phone call will do the job in a pinch. If everything goes well and the couple would like to book you as their photographer, the next step is to provide them with a booking form so that they can provide you with their relevant contact information, as well as getting them to read and agree to your terms and conditions of service.
Having a solid booking form in place ensures that everyone starts out on a new level. A true professional knows when they’re just not suited to the job Turning down a job is never an easy thing to do, especially when you’re trying to earn a crust
– but if you don’t feel like you’re the right person for the job, you’ll save yourself a world of hurt by having the guts to say no when your intuition tells you to.