Wear particle sensors, including a simple particle counter, Gear box repair calculate black and non-ferrous particles in the oil flow and quantify their dimensions to further understand gearbox performance. But they are more than just particle counters. 

Trident Shaver Sensor Ensures Lubricant Cleaning

Beyond Particle Count

The optical particle counter illuminates the laser beam through a fug the oil film or shadows that are considered to be particulate matter. Since they do not distinguish between the substances they find, the particles can be spots of paint, sand, metal or bubbles. However, particle counters can detect small sizes (typically 4-6 microns).

Recently, Kittiwake’s metal tip sensors are excellent at identifying wear in large oil lubrication systems such as wind turbine gearboxes. The sensor calculates the size and number of particles passing through and stores the measurements in a “box” for acquisition. For example, 10 particles can be reported to be up to about 1 mm, such as 40 to 60 microns, 22 to 60 to 80 microns, and the like. It does not recognize specific metals, but by observing the deviation of the electric field, it can be determined whether the particles are ferromagnetic or non-ferrous. The sensor has 10 count boxes for non-ferrous metal particles and 10 count boxes for non-ferrous metal particles.

Case History

Starting again, the red trace shows little change in particle generation, but on the 24th, the wind again reached 22 meters/second and the particles increased significantly. Increasing wind speed and increasing particle generation will increase the number of particles, but no brake accidents will occur. 

The laboratory checks the filter before and after the event. Backwash filters showed a three-fold increase in material during the post-test. You can see what the particles are. About 40% is 0.4 x 1.6mm iron and iron, which is quite large. Lab analysis provides detailed information on black and non-ferrous metal pieces. Debris crescents usually show chip wear as the coarse gear teeth slide together. The main difference is that the cutter has a specific shaped piece.

Repair Plan

With this information, maintenance teams can plan corrective actions, replace bearings, and continue to use them. Wear detection increases slightly faster than other methods and provides early signs of damage. This analysis may change the way the turbine operates, and there may be pagan stops and other ways.

Gearbox Repair For Plans Improvement
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