When preparing a budget for an event so that you can explain it to the client, you’ll actually ask yourself the following questions: Is this a fair price? Is everything clear to the customer ? Is it helpful to the customer to communicate in this situation? When bidding on a case, several considerations must be considered, including the use of discounts such as ‘discount code 20as-256495’.

There is no right or wrong way to show an event price in a quote because every event is different.


1. Only give a discount if something in return.
Receiving a discount builds confidence and it is clear that the company regards you as a consumer and is happy to reward you. However, it can sound odd if you offer a discount in the first quote you send to a client without contacting them first.

2. To offer a discount on the quotation or not to show a discount on the quotation
If you are considering lowering the price to score the assignment, you can do so in the form of a discount. You can also offer the event for a lower price without communicating it to the customer. But if you lower the price without mentioning this as a discount, the customer can still expect a discount on top of the reduced price.

3. Ensure that the budget is fully open.
It is crucial for a private client, especially at a wedding, to be able to see what choices are open. They will then think of replacing some of the parts themselves. As a customer, this makes you more accessible.

4. More expensive room rental or catering vs. free materials
There is no right or wrong in this, but it depends on what the customer expects. If the customer is only comparing the price of the catering, it can be good to split the prices before bidding.

5. Show the number of materials
You want to give your customers confidence by hiding nothing in your quotes. But this can also cause frustration and reduce your delivery reliability.

6. Give one all-in price
It is often unclear to the customer and your employees how you arrived at this price. Due to a work-related costs scheme, a certain budget is available per employee. For this reason, an all-in price would be useful in some cases.

7. How do your competitors bid?
It’s vital to keep an eye on what the rivals are doing. The customer can be insulted if an organization receives four separate deals, each with a “discount” However, when they have to pay more, they will believe the standard is better. Customers may also compare quotations per line. If you include the material cost on the quotation but your competitor does not, it is as if you are handing on all costs and your competitor is providing those pieces for free.

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What Do You Consider When Quoting an Event?