Mother Nature truly has a lot of wonders that we have been enjoying for so many years. Aside from the majestic natural sceneries that we know, there are many others that humans have not yet explored. Nature’s effortless beauty is the reason why many people opt to do their special events in picturesque background like a white sand beach or a lushous green forest. You do not have to worry too much about the decorations to make the event memorable because nature will do all the work for you.
Unfortunately, nature has another side that we need to accept. The view will not always be as charming and captivating as we always see it in the magazines or TV. There will also be times when nature will get all terrifying, especially in times of natural disaster.
Take the one recent event that disturbed a Southeast Asian country earlier this week. The Taal Volcano, noted for its wonderful and interesting topography, erupted after so many years. People usually flock in this place because of the beautiful sight around the volcanic lake, making it one of the best spot to hold an event or gathering. In an event that the volcano suddenly erupted, is it still possible for the event to push through?
For a couple who have planned their wedding for a long time, not even a volcanic activity can stop their much-awaited event of a lifetime, and everything turned out to be great, in spite of the color of the sky being different from what they envisioned it to be on their wedding day.
What To Do If An Inevitable Occurrence Like A Volcanic Eruption Takes Place During Your Special Event?
There is nothing you can do if it is nature itself that started acting up. In case that something happened and it threatens the safety of the guests, it is a MUST that you cancel the event altogether, no matter how important it is for you. There is no workaround in this kind of situation, especially in the event that a volcano nearby began to release ash plumes and make the skies turn gray. You cannot just risk the safety of the people and let them inhale toxic fumes just for your event to push through. Remember that this is not as easy as planning an indoor pajama party.
However, in the real-life event of a couple who had their wedding in spite of the raging Taal Volcano earlier this week, the volcano is actually a couple of miles away from their location, so there is no direct threat posed to the people who attended the event. What is unfortunate is that instead of having a great backdrop of blue skies and serene lake, the wedding picture captured the violent activity of the volcano. Nevertheless, the wedding must go on, and people witnessed a very unique event taking place, all thanks to nature’s unpredictable ways. This could be Mother Nature’s own version of prank call apps to pull a little prank on the couple.