Teaching yoga is as inspiring as involving in a yoga session itself and knowing the do’s and don’ts of weight training. However, what’s challenging for a yoga teacher is to come up with a successful yoga class. This is pretty much applicable for novice teachers in the field of yoga, meditation, and physical fitness.

Basically, planning a yoga class or workshop is similarly tedious and complex as planning a grand event. However, every event’s success entails great planning and program setting. So, to be able to have a successful yoga workshop, here are some tips that you might have to consider.

Planning a yoga workshop with great success

Before putting on those yoga tops, check first the list below and plan your yoga workshop with success.

1. Know your attendees

Prior to any event, it is a basic rule to know who are your audience and who will going to be there to attend your program. Moreover, better to filter the whole event based on the time and the type of workshop you are tendering. Aside from that the workshop should suit the lifestyle and schedule of your audience as well.

2. Creating a workshop design

After determining your audience, it is time to think their points of interest. From there you can able to create a workshop design that is interesting and different from what they harvest from their regular session at a yoga studio. Be confident to experiment on the unexpected elements that you must need to incorporate in your workshop.

3. Deciding on a venue

In terms of venue, it is advisable to find someplace that compliments to your workshop. However, that place or area should be available or reachable within your community or local vicinity. It might be a studio, however the creativity would not able to expressed out.

So, in this case, better to go for an open space like a family park or rent over an art gallery. But, just a friendly piece of advice, it is very important to ensure that the venue of your yoga workshop is within your budget. And, most especially, it should be the best for the lifestyle of the attendees.

4. Set the price

Generally, it all depends on you. However, consider the time of your teaching program, the travel time and cost, and lastly the cost of the venue. Importantly, it should be priced in an appropriate amount.

How to Plan a Great Yoga Workshop?