Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke into our lives, we were advised to brace for the new normal. As we are trying to curb the spread of the disease, we can no longer do our usual activities, especially those that we do outside our home. For one, being outside with a crowd of people increases the risk of us catching the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. So far, we should really be thinking twice about going out and risking our own health, as this deadly pneumonia-like illness that originated from Wuhan, China has already claimed more than half a million lives worldwide.

The best thing for us to do is to stay at home and keep ourselves healthy and safe. Unfortunately, this also means that we must patiently wait for the situation to ease up and avoid going to events and gatherings. This is very bad if your job involves planning events for people. People cannot be present physically in birthdays, anniversaries, company meetings, or simple get-togethers. However, this does not mean that these events won’t push through anymore.

Switching To Virtual Event Planning Can Be A Little Challenging

Thanks to the Internet, people have found countless ways to connect to each other, no matter how far they are from each other on the map. There are applications that we can use to talk or meet people online, like Skype, Zoom, or Messenger. In the case of planning a virtual event where your participants are expected to see each other and have an interaction, you will need to learn how to use these apps for the success of your event. You can try using one app by yourself first and see if its features are perfect for the kind of virtual event that you are planning.

Once you locked yourself with one app, you must inform your participants of this chosen app so that they could prepare it in their devices. Give it at least a week to provide the details of your upcoming virtual event, including the app version and link of the virtual meeting or conference room.

As the host of the virtual event, you are also in charge of the entertainment for the participants. You can hook up some music for the people to hear as an intermission. Just make sure that the music will not interfere with people trying to talk to each other.

You can also let your participants know how to spot fake Yeezys in 2020 during your virtual event. This information will come handy along the way.

Planning Event In The Midst Of A Pandemic: It’s Time To Learn To Do Things Online
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